"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher

Monday, June 20, 2011

Letters of appreciation for needed items

Hello Wendy,
I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you for the gifts that I received from you. The gifts will be very useful for my school year and my personal use. I received many things like milk, mosquito net, potatoes, chocolate, hair gel, hair grease, underwear, socks, cookies, dental paste, malt, hair accessories, deodorants, backpack, shoes cereal and protein. I thank you for everything. I hope to see you soon. God bless you.
Say bye with lots of love,

I love this letter from her because she wrote it herself and I can tell she put quite a lot of thought into it.

Dear Wendy,
Thank you for sending a bed to my child, a milk and oat meal. Thank you for thinking about him. Thank you. Thank you for being a good sponsor for my child. He loved the bed. He is happy because he will sleep alone and more comfortable.
Say bye,
- Felipa, his aunt, and Jose Rene

This letter was so heartwarming, it made me very happy. I could feel her sincere appreciation in her writing.

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