"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher

Monday, August 22, 2011

An intruder?

It would be very humbling for me to accept the help of a stranger if I couldn’t care for my children, in even the smallest way.

I worried while on this visit that the parents of these children might feel as if I had intruded into their lives and have some reservations or even resentment toward me.

I was assured by the CI staff that these parents put their children on a list, usually a waiting list, so that their children can receive help. The parents understand what is expected from them, the children and the sponsors when signing up.

During the few days I spent with the children and their family I saw lots of emotion from the parents and resentment wasn’t at all what I witnessed. The parents were very gracious, thankful, tearful and respectful of the sponsors.

At the children’s home visits I met Daichela and Jose’s mother, aunt and grandmother. I even spent additional time with them at the Science center and shopping.

I thought they were amazing and made me feel very much included in their family.

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