"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher

Monday, January 9, 2012

International Family

This letter was also included in the mailing from Children International:

Dear Greg and Wendy,

   I realize you both enjoyed memories from Wendy’s recent trip to the Dominican Republic and the many experiences she brought home to Olathe. Surely, you showed Greg many dear photos so that he too got a sense of the visit you shared with Daichela and Jose.
   With grateful hearts, Daichela and Jose are also reliving the special time you spent together! Your thoughtfulness to send photos of your visit makes your sponsored children sparkle with delight.
   We are told that Daichela told everyone around her just where each photo was taken. Jose was very happy and held the photos with great care! Thank you for further solidifying your special bond!
   Enclosed you will find even more photos of Daichela and Jose – holding photos of you! They each included a handwritten thank you note as well.
   We, at Children International, appreciate seeing how your role has changed from sponsor and recipient to one better described as “international family.”

With warm gratitude,
Coordinator of Development

What a great way to describe the relationship change that has taken place.

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