"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hope and courage

I’m excited to see in what ways this trip and the experience of meeting these children and their family will push me or change me.

Whenever a new chapter in my life has begun - planned or unplanned - I have always found it very intriguing to see where the path leads me and what I can learn about myself through the situations I’ve been through. I’ve always been open to change and my life has definitely had its ups and downs.

Life happens quickly and I am constantly reminded that I can’t take anything for granted. The person you talk to today may not be there to tell them you love them or apologize to tomorrow. Though I don’t always remember to ‘walk a mile in the other person’s shoes’, I’m constantly trying, and fully understand that the process for me will be lifelong.

Though I only have photos of Daichela and José, I see visions of hope and courage in their eyes. I wonder if somewhere in my past, when I was a child, if someone saw the same in mine.


Roger Gustafson said...

I'll bet they did.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip! I can't wait to visit my sponsored kids within the next year!

Anonymous said...

Have so much fun! I hope one day to do the same. I know seeing your sponsored children will be life-changing.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all about it! Will you spend a day with each of your children? My plan is to visit 4 of my children in June and now I am waiting for the second itinerary. Things had to be changed because my airline schedule changed.

I know that you will have a wonderful time and that it will be a blessing for you and your children. God bless.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip. I leave on July 25th-Aug. 3rd. I can't wait! I have so many things to take with me.